Monday, June 22, 2009

Final 2...

Of Kelsey's dresses that is...

I'm really bad at the whole posting thing, and I feel that now that I have started my actual work, my posts may be even less.

Anyway, without further delay here are the last two dresses I have hemmed for the now Europe bound Kelsey (jealous much?). Oh, and please ignore the random quality of these photos...I need a new camera badly.


And this:

Became this:

In other news, I was in a car-on-car collision today and am pretty much just pleased to be alive and uninjured. And by that I mean, I hope you're all enjoying life to the fullest!



  1. Hey, absolutely love this...
    Sorry I haven't been in contact lately. Keep in touch, I didn't know any other way to. Hopefully you or I can delete this afterwards. Send me an email so we can sort something out.

  2. wow- i REALLY like both of these dresses! you've really transformed them.
    also- im glad you survived the accident, phew!
