Saturday, October 10, 2009

Costume Ideas?

So next Friday I am going on a pubcrawl with the EPHE faculty and need to come up with a costume that starts with an E, a P or an H. So far I'm drawing a blank; I mean, I can certainly come up with plenty of things to be but none that are getting me super excited. Perhaps it's because I don't really want to spend that much money on a costume (spending it on alcohol seems so much more logical).

I do have the makings of a Peter Pan costume, and a Power Puff girl costume would be easy (but so much more fun if I could get other people in on it). I'm not a huge fan of the over sexualized trashy costume ideas (Pimp's and Ho's), so I feel like that seems to cut short a lot.

I've thrown 'The Letter P" parties before and have thus thought of being a puppet or pepto-bismal, pterodactyl, but seriously, nothing is making me excited to put together a costume.

I think maybe I want to be a panda:

Bandi-Panda Fashion by Zhao Bandi

At least, the blond wig and ears, plus pandaid style makeup and panda styled clothing.


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